Hunting for Health with Darin Olien

Darin Olien is an exotic superfood expert, supplement formulator, and environmental activist as well as an avid superfood hunter. The founder and visionary of SuperLife, Darin seeks to help individuals live richer, healthier, and more vibrant lives by making simple changes and implementing powerful habits in their daily life. He brings in the six life forces—nutrition, hydration, oxygenation, alkalization, detoxification, and attitude—and encourages responsibility and awareness in all aspects of being. With the right resources, Darin believes anyone can live the greatest expression of their life.

I join Darin at his temporary house in Malibu for a chat about his life after the Malibu fires and how he’s using the catastrophe of his house burning down as an opportunity to create a more sustainable lifestyle. We also discuss the destructive effects of technology and what we can do to mitigate their effects on our well-being. Darin shares a wealth of knowledge about water and its science-transcending ability to carry information, in addition to why cultivated foods don’t boast the same nutritional profile as their wild counterparts. With so much chaos in the news and in our spheres of influence these days, it’s easy to panic and become discouraged—but Darin offers a message of hope that’s applicable to everyone, regardless of where you are in this moment: Storms bring regeneration.

We wanted to throw in a special shout-out about Baruka Nuts, the healthiest nut in the world! Buy a bag or two to nourish yourself with 300% more antioxidants and double the protein and fiber of other nuts. Plus, save 15% with code “STACKED” at checkout! Best of all, you are supporting a local economy in Brazil that's under threat right now. Help save a wild food that's literally being burned down to make way for SOY! Nourish yourself, share this episode, and grab a wildly healthy and delicious new food!

  • Principles of regeneration, before there were cool names for it (3:00)

  • Strategies Darin’s using to rebuild and create sustainable energy, post-fire (6:00)

  • Darin’s secret superfood, the baruka (8:00)

  • Why almonds are not that awesome (16:30)

  • The nutrient benefits of “wild” foods, and how food quality depreciates (19:00)

  • The prebiotic content of barukas (24:45)

  • “Fatal conveniences”: The things that make life easier are killing us (27:00)

  • 5G best practices, and how radiation disrupts our biology (34:20)

  • You can’t avoid the forces that detract from health, but here’s how to live your best life anyway (46:30)

  • Darin’s water lesson, and why BPA is bad (51:00)

  • The compounding effect of dehydration and the energetics of water (55:00)

  • Water embodies whatever we infuse it with, and defies science at every turn (1:07:00)

  • “The science of us”: How do we listen to ourselves? (1:10:00)

  • If you’re allowing current situations to stress you out, you’re not in an ideal state to weather them (1:11:00)

  • Awareness should drive us to appreciation and celebration, not panic and despair (1:15:00)

  • We don’t need to understand in order to reap the benefits of nature and recognize opportunity (1:19:00)

  • Where to find Darin (1:23:15)

In This Episode

The World’s Healthiest Nuts, Barukas! (Save 15% with code
”STACKED” at checkout!)

The anti-EMF underwear Joe and Darin both use (save with code “STACKED”)

The device Darin uses to un-EMF his house (save with code “STACKED”)

Darin's EMF blocking cell phone cover

Joe’s episode with Britta Bushnell

Where to Find Darin

Facebook | Instagram | Website

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