How To Reverse Magnesium Deficiency & Optimize Your Biology with Wade Lightheart

In this episode, I sit with Wade Lightheart, co-founder and president of BiOptimizers, a nutrition company whose mission is to bring you the best in health and nutritional supplements. Wade is an advisor to the American Anti-Cancer Institute, the author of numerous books on health, exercise and nutrition, and the host of The Awesome Health Podcast. As well as being one of the world’s leading authorities on natural nutrition, Wade is a former natural bodybuilding champion and he is proud to have taken part in the Mr. Universe contest as a drug-free vegetarian competitor.

During our conversation, we discuss the issues of soil depletion and food degradation and Wade explains how we need to supplement our diets with targeted nutrition in order to increase our nutrients levels and achieve optimal health and performance. He describes the evolution of the supplement industry and reveals how an encounter with some unethical investors inspired him to build his own trusted brand which focuses on mission over margin. He points out the significant health benefits of magnesium and highlights the role it plays in maintaining good bone, brain, and blood health and alleviating the symptoms of many common diseases.    

In this episode, you’ll hear from Wade on:

  • (12:36) The history of the supplement industry. Wade describes the evolution of the supplement industry, from the opening of the first supplement store in the early twentieth century to the creation of the powerful and efficient products that are available today. He explains how early health food pioneers, such as Paul Bragg, were inspired to start selling vitamins and minerals when they realized that modern farming methods were beginning to have a negative impact on the nutritional value of the food that was being produced. He also talks about the dark period that the industry went through at the beginning of the twenty-first century when supplement companies started to compete on price and cheap, poor-quality products flooded the market.

  • (21:41) Twentieth-century farming. Wade explains how the intensive farming techniques, such as monoculture and the repetitive overuse of land, which came into place after WW2 to help feed the growing population of baby boomers, resulted in the depletion of the once mineral-rich soil and led to the production of food with fewer nutrients and a decreased protein content. The widespread practice of spraying crops with pesticides and fungicides also adversely affected human health by causing damage to the digestive tract, disrupting hormones and leading to a variety of health conditions. By creating the nutrient-rich products in the BiOptimizers brand, Wade hopes to reverse the trend, fix digestive dysfunction and provide supplements that help people function at their best.

  • (39:56) Wade’s ‘Bucket Theory’ of nutrition. He discusses the benefits of taking a high dose of vitamins, a practice that was developed by the founders of orthomolecular nutrition, Abram Hoffer, Linus Pauling, and David Hawkins. Wade believes that taking a large dosage of a supplement for a set period of time then decreasing the amount to a standard maintenance dose helps to provide the body with a reserve of nutrients which can be drawn on when your supply starts to become depleted through the demands of your lifestyle.

  • (42.31) The master mineral. Wade sets out some of the specific health benefits of the different types of magnesium. He explains that magnesium glycinate helps to reduce high blood pressure, prevent migraines, and fight depression. Magnesium chelate soothes the nervous system and improves neurotransmitter function. Magnesium taurate assists cardiovascular health, improves cognitive function, and alleviates the symptoms of PMS. Magnesium orotate increases energy levels and magnesium aspartate assists with the absorption of vitamin B12, and is particularly beneficial for vegans and vegetarians who may suffer from a deficiency in the vitamin. 

  • (01:06:10) Plant-based proteins. Wade addresses the issue of getting enough protein from a plant-based diet, which can be difficult, especially since the protein content of food has significantly declined over the last hundred years. He describes his diet and reveals that BiOptimizers are planning to release a vegan protein supplement based on his favorite combination of hemp, pea, and pumpkin protein.

In This Episode

The Five Health Tests You Need with Dr. Paul Maximus - Episode 25 of The Awesome Health Podcast

SpectraCell: Discover your greatest health potential

BiOptimizers: Optimizing digestion since 2004

BLUblox: The best blue light glasses

Where to Find Wade

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If there’s one mineral you should be worried about not getting enough of it’s magnesium. Magnesium is the body’s “master mineral” powerful over 300 critical reactions, including detoxification, fat metabolism, energy, even digestion is influenced by the presence of magnesium. There are two big problems here:

Magnesium has been largely missing from US soil since the 1950s, which explains why it’s estimated that up to 80% of the population may be deficient. Most supplements contain only 1 or 2 forms of magnesium, when in reality there are at least 7 that your body needs and benefits from.

The good news is that when you DO get all 7 critical forms of magnesium, pretty much every function in your body gets upgraded, from your brain, to your sleep, to your pain and inflammation, it all improves... and fast. That’s why I’m so excited about what my friends over at BiOptimizers—makers of industry-leading digestive supplements—have just created. Their research team recently formulated what I believe is the ultimate magnesium supplement, with all 7 forms of this mineral. They even include trace amounts of something called “mono-atomic magnesium” which helps make all the other forms more bioavailable. This is by far the most complete magnesium product ever created, and until or unless someone comes out with a better one, I highly recommend you give it a try.

BiOptimizers calls this product Magnesium Breakthrough and they’re running a special promotion for you at You can get an additional 10% off from the normal package price with coupon code STACKED10


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